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Unforgettable adventures 和 world-class culture await in the hilly City by the Bay
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It may measure less than 50 square miles 和 have a population that doesn’t even crack a million, 但 旧金山 justly ranks as one of the greatest cities in the world. 以维多利亚夫人而闻名, 缆车, 动态滨水区, 还有一座高耸的金桥, 这座城市真的拥有一切. With trend-defining cuisine ranging from Michelin-starred dining to outrageous food trucks; world-renowned symphony, 芭蕾舞, 剧院, opera; plus almost boundless outdoor adventures, 旧金山 justifiably st和s out as one of the ultimate must-visit cities on any traveler’s wish list.

The hardest part may be deciding where to go first. (Well, that 和 packing f或者是 city’s famously unpredictable weather.) 金门大桥 is one of the city’s most iconic l和marks; you can walk or bike across the span to the 马林岬. Or stay on the 旧金山 side 和 stroll over to the 旧金山美术宫, 要塞, or 土地结束, 一个坚固的, windswept playground where you can watch for whales 和 check out the ruins of the Sutro Baths.

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渔人码头 beckons with its seafaring vibe 和 amazing seafood restaurants; look out across the water 和 you’ll see another fascinating destination not to be missed, 恶魔岛. 熙熙攘攘的广场 联合广场 吉尔德利广场 offer shopping 和 more great dining options. The city’s patchwork of distinct neighborhoods—the 任务的区, 唐人街, 北海滩, 嬉皮, 头山, so many more—offer endless diversions both day 和 night.

Despite its famously steep hills, 旧金山 非常容易四处走动吗. 发出叮当声的 缆车 are beloved icons 和 a convenient way to travel between the waterfront 和 联合广场. 历史性的有轨电车 沿着马路跑 内河码头 有停站 渔人码头, 渡轮大厦街市, 甲骨文公园, home of the Major League’s Giants baseball team. For an easy, affordable ride, look for one of hundreds of bikeshare stations 和 hop on a Bay Wheels自行车 (或骑自行车)然后出发.

地下 巴特 metro system travels within 和 beyond 旧金山, with routes south to 旧金山 International Airport 向东到 加州大学伯克利分校, 奥克兰, ,以及其他社区. 还有旧金山本地的 市政 巴士通达全市.

Insider tips: If you plan to visit several of the attractions it can cover, consider getting a CityPASS; it includes prepaid admission to the 加州科学院; a 蓝色的 & 黄金舰队湾巡航冒险; a choice between the 海湾水族馆 或者是 华特迪士尼家庭博物馆,以及两者之间的选择 探索博物馆 或者是 旧金山动物园和花园.

另一个经济的选择是 旧金山C3 ticket, which is good for admission into three attractions. Choose from the CityPASS options above, plus SFMOMA, Bay City Bike 和 Parkwide Bike Rentals,和 德扬博物馆荣誉军团

CityPASS 和 the 旧金山C3 ticket are both valid for 30 days.





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